Penn State Academic Calendar
Penn State Academic calendar of the year 2023-2024 represents the important academic dates, they start with the first day of the students’ classes, assignments of deadlines, final exam dates, graduation dates, holidays, Winter and spring breaks, and many others.
It is important for all the students to check this calendar on the regular basis to keep themselves updated regarding every break, it implies for all the students whether you are new or continuing the studies at the Pennsylvania State University.
Penn State Academic Calendar Fall 2024
I have listed all the important dates of the Penn State Fall 2024 Calendar along with deadlines. It will help you with all the details that you need. Please remember Penn State does not have any fall break but remains closed from 21st November to 27 November .
Penn State Fall Calendar
Sr. No. | Date and Day | Day and Session |
1 | Monday 14 August, Tuesday 05 September | Intent to Graduate |
2 | Friday 18 August | Absence deadline |
3 | Friday August 18 – Sunday August 20 | New students arrival day |
4 | Sunday August 20 | Deadline for registration |
5 | Monday August 21 | Beginning of the fall semester |
6 | Wednesday August 23 | Drop Deadline – regular |
7 | Thursday August 24 | Add deadline regular |
8 | Thursday August 24 | Beginning of Late drops |
9 | Friday August 25 | Beginning of late registration |
10 | Monday September 4 | Labor day |
11 | Monday September 25 to October 15 | Final Exam filling of paper – rechecking |
12 | Friday November 10 | Deadline for late drop |
13 | Friday November 10 | Declaration of certificates |
14 | Sunday, November 19 – Saturday November 25 | Break on Thanksgiving |
15 | Friday December 8 | Deadline of Withdrawal |
16 | Friday December 8 | Completion of fall classes |
17 | Saturday, December 9 – Sunday December 10 | Study Days |
18 | Monday December 11 to Friday December 15 | Fall semester final exams |
19 | Saturday December 16 | Graduate commencement |
Penn State Calendar Spring 2023-24
I have listed all the important dates of the Penn State Calendar Spring, along with deadlines. It will help you with all the details that you need.
Sr. No. | Date and Day | Day and Session |
1 | Tuesday, January 2 to Monday January 22 | Intent to Graduate Activation Period |
2 | Friday, January 5 | Deadline for Leave of Absence |
3 | Sunday, January 7 | Deadline for Registration Spring. (Check on the Lion Path Portal and the PSU Canvas |
4 | Monday, January 8 | Spring Classes Begin |
5 | Saturday, January 13 | Week Session and regular drop’s deadline (Eastern Time 11:59 PM) |
6 | Sunday, January14 | Regular Add Deadline – Week Session |
7 | Thursday, January11 | Late Drop for First 7 Week Session |
8 | Friday, January12 | Beginning of Late-Registration for First 7- Week Session. |
9 | Wednesday, January 10 | Regular Drop Deadline (Eastern Time – 11:59 PM) |
10 | Thursday, January 11 | Regular Add Deadline (Eastern Time – 11:59 PM) |
11 | Thursday, January 11 | Beginning of Late Drop |
12 | Friday, January 12 | Beginning of Late Registration |
13 | Monday, January 15 | Holiday for Martin Luther King Day |
14 | Monday, February 12 to Sunday, March 3 | Final-Exam Conflict Filling Period according to Penn State Academic Calendar |
15 | Tuesday, February 13 | Deadline for Late Registration for the First 7 Weeks Session (Eastern Time – 11:59 PM) |
16 | Tuesday, February 13 | Deadline for Late Add for First 7 Weeks Session (Eastern Time – 11:59 PM) |
17 | Tuesday, February 143 | Deadline for Late Drop for the First 7 Week Session (Eastern Time – 11:59 PM) |
18 | Friday, February 23 | Deadline for Withdrawal for the First 7 Week Session – (Eastern Time – 05:00 PM) |
19 | Ending of Friday, February 23 | Classes First 7 Week Session |
20 | Sunday, March 3 to Sunday, March 9 | Penn State Spring Break |
21 | Sunday, March 10 | Deadline For Registration for the Second Week |
22 | Monday, March 11 | Beginning of Work Session Classes |
23 | Wednesday, March 13 | Deadline for Regular drop for the Second 7 Week |
24 | Thursday, March 14 | Deadline for Regular Session for the Second 7 week (Eastern Time 11:59 PM) |
25 | Thursday, March 14 | Beginning of Late Drop for the 7 Second Week session |
26 | Friday, March 15 | Beginning of the Late registration for the second 7 week session |
27 | Wednesday, April 17 | Deadline for late registration (Eastern Time 11:59 PM) |
28 | Wednesday, April 17 | Deadline for Late Add (Eastern Time 11:59 PM) |
29 | Wednesday, April 17 | Deadline for Late Drop (Eastern Time 11:59 PM) |
30 | Wednesday, April 19 | Deadline for Declare Concurrent Major, Minor and Certificates for the students who are graduating |
31 | Wednesday, April 17 | Deadline for Late Registration, Late Drop, and Late Add for the second 7 week session |
32 | Friday, April 26 | Deadline for Withdrawal (Eastern Time 05:00 PM) |
33 | Friday April 28 | End of the classes |
34 | Saturday and Sunday April 27 & 28 | Study Days |
35 | Monday April 29 to May 3 | Final Exams |
36 | Friday May 3 Sunday, May 5 | Graduate Commencement |
Penn State Academic Calendar Summer 2023-24
I have listed all the PSU important dates of the Penn State Calendar 2023-24 summer calendar for Spring along with deadlines. It will help you all the details that you need,
Sr. No | Date and Day | Day and session |
1 | Sunday May 5 | New Students arrival day |
2 | Sunday May 5 | Deadline for registration |
3 | Monday May 6 to Friday June 14 | Graduation activation period |
4 | Monday May 6 | Beginning of May Semester classes |
5 | Tuesday May 7 | Drop deadline – regular |
6 | Wednesday May 8 | Add deadline – regular |
7 | Wednesday May 8 | Beginning of late drops |
8 | Thursday May 9 | Late registration begins |
9 | Monday May 27 | Holiday for Memorial day |
10 | Tuesday May 28 | Late drop deadline |
11 | Monday June 3 | Deadline for withdrawal |
12 | Monday June 3 | End of classes |
13 | Tuesday June 4 | Study Days |
14 | Wednesday June 5 | Final exams starts |
15 | Monday, July 29 | Declaration of Minor deadline |
16 | Saturday August 10 | Graduate commencement |
Time Table for First 6 Week Session
Find the table below for the various deadlines of Penn State Important Dates falling in the first 6 week summer session of Penn state academic calendar.
Sr. No | Date and Day | Days and sessions |
1 | Sunday, May12 | Arrival of New Students |
2 | Sunday, May 12 | Date for Registration’s Deadline |
3 | Monday, May 6 – Friday, June14 | Graduation period |
4 | Monday, May 13 | Classes |
5 | Wednesday, May15 | Deadline for drop-regular |
6 | Thursday, May 16 | Deadlines for add – regular |
7 | Thursday, May 16 | Beginning of late drops |
8 | Friday, May 17 | Beginning of late registration |
9 | Monday, May 27 | Holiday – Memorial Day |
10 | Thursday, June 12 | Deadline for late drops |
11 | Friday, June 21 | Deadline for Withdrawal |
12 | Friday, June 21 | End of Classes for first 6 weeks |
13 | Sunday, June 22 | Study-days |
14 | Monday, June 24 | Final exams |
Time table for Second 6 Week Session
Find the table below for the various deadlines coming in the second 6 week summer session of Penn state academic calendar.
Sr. No | Date and Day | Days and sessions |
1 | Monday, June 24 | Arrival of New Students |
2 | Tuesday, June 25 | deadline for Registration |
3 | Monday, May 6 to Friday, June14 | Graduation period |
4 | Wednesday, June 26 | Beginning of Second week classes |
5 | Friday, June 28 | Deadline for drop – regular |
6 | Saturday, June 29 | Deadlines for add – regular |
7 | Saturday, June 29 | Beginning of late drops |
8 | Sunday, June 30 | Beginning of late registration |
9 | Thursday, July 4 | Holiday for Independence Day |
10 | Monday, August 1 | Beginning of late drops |
11 | Monday, 29 July | Declaration of Minor day |
12 | Wednesday, August 7 | Deadline for Withdrawal |
13 | Wednesday, August 7 | Classes end for the second 6-weeks |
14 | Thursday, August 8 | Study-Days |
15 | Friday August 9 | Final Exams |
Regular sessions
Kindly find the list of Penn State regular session to be conducted in 2024.
Sr. No | Date and Day | Days and sessions |
1 | Monday, May 6 – Friday, June 14 | Intent to Graduate |
2 | Sunday, May 12 | New Students Arrival |
3 | Sunday, May 12 | deadline for Registration |
4 | Monday, May13 | Beginning of regular classes |
5 | Friday, May 17 | Deadline for drop – regular |
6 | Saturday, May 18 | Deadlines for add – regular |
7 | Saturday, May 18 | Beginning of late drops |
8 | Sunday, May 19 | Beginning of late registration |
9 | Monday, May 27 | Holiday for Memorial day |
10 | Thursday, July 4 | Holiday on Independence Day |
11 | Friday, July 19 | Beginning of late drops |
12 | Monday, July 29. | Declaring the Minor deadline |
13 | Wednesday, August 07 | Deadline for Withdrawal |
14 | Wednesday, August 07 | Classes end for regular 6 weeks |
15 | Thursday, August 08 | Study Days |
16 | Friday, August 09 | Final exams of regular session |
For any further information needed, you may visit PSU Academic Calendar and check the same on the website, please remember these dates can vary from campus to campus.
Classification of the Semester at Penn State
Semester classification is also commonly spoken as Class level or simply classification. This term defines the progress of the students in their academic goals achievement. This classification is based on the credit earned in each subject, either institutional or transfer credit.
For any student studying in undergraduate, the classification can be utilized as when the student gets himself registered, Assigns classes, Changes campus, calculates his tuition hours and when he gets eligible for getting a parking space on campus.
In which semester do you stand at PSU?
The classification is based on the credit earned by the students, check the below table:
Earned credits | Classification of Semester | Status of the student |
14 or less | 1 | 1st year student |
From 14.1 29 | 2 | 1st year student |
From 29.1 to 44 | 3 | Sophomore |
From 44.1 to 59 | 4 | Sophomore |
Form 59.1 to 74 | 5 | Junior |
From 74.1 to 89 | 6 | Junior |
From 89.1 to 104 | 7 | Senior |
Form 104.1 to 119 | 8 | Senior |
From 119.1 to 134 | 9 | Senior |
From 134.1 to 149 | 10 | Senior |
From 149.1 or more | 11 | Senior |
So, this was all about the academic calendar of Penn State University. Hope these details will help you in managing your schedule and planning your holidays with friends, and also preparing for the exams. Wishing all the students great luck for the coming examination.
Thank you.
Where can I find Penn State 2024 Calendar online?
You can check on the official website of Penn State University, select the campus for accurate results.
Penn State Spring Semester 2024, Penn State Spring 2024 Calendar includes any holidays?
You can find only one Holiday on Martin Luther King day in the Pen state Spring Calendar 2024.
What is the Psu Drop Deadline?
Please refer to the above tables to see the PSU Drop deadlines, regular and late both information is given in the tables.
What is the time-duration of Penn State Winter Break?
Generally the students get the Winter break for 10 to 12 weeks.
How can I know the Penn State Class Schedule?
The classes at Penn state generally starts at 8 am and are of 50 minutes and 75 minutes depending on the credits of the subject, kindly contact your course coordinator in the campus for further information.

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